Regular price INR 106,129(Indian Taxes Included)
FABRIC : Brocade/Satin Silk Organza
COLOR : Mud Brown
No. of Components : 1
Style : /
Technique on Fabric : Embroidered/Brocade
Lining : No Lining
A saree made in half brocade and half silk satin organza, creating a dramatic canvas with buta placement all over.
The product dispatch will take 21-35 days depending upon the product ordered. Please account for additional days for shipping above the timeline mentioned. Most domestic deliveries take 1-3 days and international deliveries take 3-8 days.For Shipping charges, please refer to the shipping section or click here
Please store textiles in a muslin cloth away from sunlight in a dry environment and air the textile every few months.
We are not responsible for textiles that have been hand washed/cleaned other than dry cleaning.
Manufacturer : Jalori Design Studio Pvt.Ltd.,
F-560, Lado Sarai,
New Delhi - 110030
Country of Origin : India