Regular price INR 48,269
(Indian Taxes Included)


FABRIC : Silk Twill

COLOR : Carbon

No. of Components : 1

Style : 24701

Technique on Fabric : Print & Embroidery

Lining : Bodice - Silk Lining


Midi dress, designed with a versatile neck sash and embroidered cuffs, seamlessly adapts to any event. Its elegant silhouette makes it perfect for everything from evening outings to sophisticated gatherings.

The product dispatch will take 18-28 days depending upon the product ordered. Please account for additional days for shipping above the timeline mentioned. Most domestic deliveries take 1-3 days and international deliveries take 3-8 days.For Shipping charges, please refer to the shipping section or click here.

Dry Clean only.

Please store textiles in a muslin cloth away from sunlight in a dry environment and air the textile every few months.

We are not responsible for textiles that have been hand washed/cleaned other than dry cleaning.

Manufacturer : Jalori Design Studio Pvt.Ltd.,
                     F-560, Lado Sarai,
                     New Delhi - 110030

Country of Origin : India